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2022 flew by

From the summer of 2021 to Autumn 2022, we have served nearly 100 youth. In January 2023, our kids will have an opportunity to show their mobile work at a top notch gallery, Abel Contemporary Gallery in Stoughton. But much of their work is stationary, such as the two murals at the Goodman Community Center led by Liubov Szwako and the one he lead at Vera Court Neighborhood Center. But the mural the youth of the UW Odyssey Project cranked out this summer in the back alley of the UW Partnership Building is mobile and will be part of the upcoming show.

(Above) MyArts Visits Abel Contemporary Gallery, Oct. 2022

MyArts group lead by Diane Washa

Goodman Community Center, Fall session. The kids were on fire. Terrence Adeyanju led them in portrait drawing and collaborative drawings and just putting a pen to a piece of paper with what he calls, "Permission to Feel." Grace Ruo, a spoken word poet laureate, led the kids in poetry and drawing from verse.

MyArts Group lead by Diane Washa paint in the style of Mark Rothko, preparing for their January 13, 2023 show at Abel Contemporary Gallery.

UW Odyssey Project's Odyssey Junior summer project lead by Liubov Szwako, aka,Triangulador. 2022

Vera Court Neighborhood Center summer project led by Liubov Szwako. 2022

Goodman Community Center's summer project, lead by Liubov Szwako. 2022

Above: Goodman Community Center summer group successful try at still life painting. 2022

Below: Drummer Elmore Lawson leads Goodman kids in outside classroom. 2022


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