Many of the images in this gallery were used for the MYAC mural. The backgrounds to the images are paintings the Club Express kids were working on the day Covid shuttered the schools for over a year, and Art Express for nearly a year. These were to be part of a larger exhibit at the Overture Center, that also shut down, a show for which the dates are still in flux. These puppets are the product of Anwar leading one hour sessions via Zoom calls, with the help of guest artists Sapphina Roller and Robert Agnew. The kids were often indistinguishable from our end, but when they surfaced, smiles and pride filled the Zoom screen, and their work said, we are present and listening.
Picking up where Anwar left off, artist Terrence Adeyanju has begun introducing the art of self-expression through silk screen printmaking to our Goodman kids, and through a number of media to our Northside kids out of the DAMA studios.